(Chapter 6)  (Chapter 7) (Chapter 8)       Now that it has been more more than halfway towards the end of my journey in Seoul, I wanted to take this week and share with you what I have been reflecting on. Its been a roller coaster these past few weeks, emotionally and physically. But I have no regrets traveling here to Seoul. Its been a blast and its been one of the best experiences of my life. Down below I have listed 5 key things that I been reflecting over and how I would want to proceed my life and career maybe in Korea? Who knows? Check out the list below and read my reflection back on my experiences.  

1. Considering Staying At Home

I vividly remember the night packing up and about to leave the states. It was the first time I solo traveled, let alone traveling somewhere that was across the world away. Initially, I was contemplating just unpacking and not going because of anxiety. Fear as well? It was all wrapped into one. But, as my parents helped me through the night by sitting down and having conversations about my worries, I knew I needed to conquer this and go and take it one day at a time and, most importantly, have fun. Once I landed and got to my accommodation, I felt like I was in a daze. Jet lag from being 15 hours on the plane is understandable, but there was also this sense of anxiety and uncertainty about how this would all play out. I couldn’t even sleep because that night, I didn’t know what to expect.



2. Seoul Arrival

I remember the morning after I landed in South Korea, I was so nervous about meeting the other interns and my program coordinators. Everything was happening one after the other, activity after activity which was a great way to break the ice but simultaneously exhausting and physically draining. One lesson I have taken away from this is that sometimes overwhelming yourself with activities, tasks, etc., to do each day can shut your body down. After the third week, I found a balance in working, activities, free time, and a good amount of hours to sleep. Applying this to traveling anywhere or when a significant change happens is essential. Having been in Seoul for about a month, I can tell you I don’t regret going. Honestly, this has been a fantastic experience for the first time solo traveling. Of course, not all trips will go according to plan. There will be some trip-ups along the way, but overall, it’s an experience I will never forget so far. I have learned so much in such a short time, and even though it can get overwhelming, I’ve learned more about myself throughout this journey. I see more capability, motivation, and independence in me while living in South Korea. Reflecting on my experience arriving, I realize how much I have done over the past four weeks, from landing to meeting my co-workers and other interns to learning how to use the buses and the subway. I’m very proud that I got here in one piece and knew I had made the right decision.  

  1. Embrace and Experience

As for the experiences, from trying different food and wearing traditional hanbok clothes to just navigating and meeting other interns, we all became like a family in the first two weeks because we all got so close to one another. We cooked together for dinner at our accommodations kitchen or went grocery shopping on weekends. We were all in support of one another, and because we bonded so well and all got along, it enhanced my experience even more. Having an internship with close connections who are on the same journey as you are a sense of comfort that makes me feel at ease because I know that everybody is in the same boat. Once I realized that the first week, I knew I would be okay. I appreciated that during those first weeks in Korea, we had a full day every single day. We were always up and out, and by the end of the third week, things started to die down. As it’s getting closer to my departure, I want to explore Seoul as much as possible. There is always something to look forward to when flying to Seoul. For the first time, this has been the only destination where I know I want to come back again or possibly move here.


4. Considering Staying In Korea

One of the biggest reasons I am considering living here is its simplicity. I am not a city person, but this city is unique because it’s so easy, convenient, and straightforward to navigate. Transportation is terrific here, with the cleanest subway system I have ever experienced and the buses. What made this special is that I had low expectations walking into this because I was in my head on worries I might’ve had, and it turned out better than I could’ve ever imagined. As we are at the halfway mark, I am now starting to feel a bit homesick, but at the same, I am not ready to leave. Over the past few days, I got to sit and talk to my parents about where I wanted to continue my career. I’m contemplating going to Yonsei University here in South Korea, and I look forward to starting the application process. I have also decided to take language classes to learn how to speak Korean fluently. I’ve realized how much of an impact this experience has had on me. When I leave at the end of December, I want to stay connected to South Korea. It’s a place I will visit again because I have made great friends and experiences I never want to forget.  

  5. Final Thoughts

This entire experience has broadened my knowledge and, of course, an experience like this one makes me want to travel to more places by myself in the future! I’m not sure what the future will hold for me, but I ended up making friends for life and memories that I will always have. Please sit down, reflect on your choices and actions, and see where they got you. I’m glad I didn’t back out last minute. I think it’s vital to conquer your fears and that overthinking (Which I constantly do!) will get you nowhere and keep you stuck, and you sometimes have to push through it. It’s bittersweet that my farewell is only a few weeks away. I am starting to miss my friends and family from back home, but at the same time, I don’t want to want to leave Seoul.   I still pinch myself that I’m finally here! I have learned and grown so much here, and I look forward to revisiting Seoul hopefully soon. I hope you enjoyed this chapter from The Escape To Explore Series, and stay tuned for the following few chapters in the coming weeks!   (Chapter 10)  

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