Zodiac signs are determined by the birthday and birth year of an individual. For further detail, the birth time may also be taken into consideration but in most cases, it is not required to find out just the zodiac sign. There are two different systems of zodiac as well: sidereal and tropical. While the West usually uses the sidereal system, South Korea uses the tropical system. As such, someone who is a certain zodiac sign in America, might not have the same zodiac sign in Korea because the dates for each zodiac are different in Korea. More importantly, no individual’s entire personality can be judged on the basis of their zodiac sign so take this with a grain of salt. With that said, here are the ASTRO members’ tropical zodiac signs and the reasons why they perfectly fit them!  

1. JinJin - Pisces

According to tropical zodiac dates, JinJin is a Pisces. The qualities of being a Pisces that are highlighted in JinJin’s personality are those of empathy, emotional maturity, and selflessness. JinJin is always attentive to his members and how they’re feeling and does not hesitate to go out of his way to make them happy. His maturity and capacity to respond appropriately to emotional stimuli make him the perfect leader.  

2. MJ - Pisces

MJ is also a Pisces, according to tropical astrology. Some core characteristics of Pisces individuals are being imaginative and compassionate, artistic and intuitive. MJ has a rich inner world and his tendency to draw inspiration from the same makes him unique. It also comes through beautifully in the music that he makes.  

3. Yoon SanHa - Aries

According to tropical astrology, SanHa is an Aries. Aries individuals are highly motivated and driven. SanHa has an inherent quality of being extremely determined and dedicated towards his goals. Once he has his eye on something, he gets it no matter what. AROHA of course, know about how SanHa mastered playing guitar in a couple of months because he wanted to. At the same time, he also has a pure vibe to him.  

4. Cha EunWoo - Aries

EunWoo is also an Aries and he embodies the classic Aries qualities of being unwaveringly loyal, unpredictable, and perceptive. He also has an ambitious streak in him, which is evident from all the incredible talents he possesses and how hard he works to hone them more and more every day. A reliable support system is very important for Aries individuals and as such, AROHA’s support for EunWoo is one of his biggest strengths.  

5. Rocky - Pisces

Rocky is the adorably emotional and soft water sign, Pisces. Just like an ideal Pisces, Rocky is deeply in touch with his emotions and has been ever since he was little. He is driven by feelings rather than logic and is deeply guided by intuition. The entire story about how and why Rocky got into music (which was to be adored by his mother) is one of the biggest representations of his Pisces qualities. Rocky has a heart of gold and deserves the world.  

6. MoonBin - Aquarius

MoonBin is an Aquarius, according to tropical astrology. Aquarians are the rebels of the zodiac. They see the world through their own unique lens. They have high expectations from the world and from their own selves and as such, they work so hard that they often forget to rest. They’re fiercely independent and self-affirmed, qualities which are very evident in MoonBin. Let’s not forget that Aquarius men are unbelievably charming, a quality that MoonBin is brimming with. Being around MoonBin, in reality or across the screen, is like an emotional charge-up, very characteristic of Aquarius individuals.   What is your zodiac sign? Do you share the same zodiac as one of the ASTRO members? Share your signs and thoughts in the comments section down below!   Idol Search: K-Pop Idols With The Same Zodiac Sign As You - Pisces ♓ KPOP IDOL FINDER|Dec 12, 2019 Idol Search: K-Pop Idols With The Same Zodiac Sign As You - Aquarius ♒ KPOP IDOL FINDER|Dec 12, 2019 Idol Search: K-Pop Idols With The Same Zodiac Sign As You - Cancer ♋ KPOP IDOL FINDER|Dec 11, 2019 Idol Search: K-Pop Idols With The Same Zodiac Sign As You - Aries ♈ KPOP IDOL FINDER|Dec 11, 2019

Here s Why The ASTRO Members Are The Perfect Representations Of Their Zodiac Signs - 52Here s Why The ASTRO Members Are The Perfect Representations Of Their Zodiac Signs - 24Here s Why The ASTRO Members Are The Perfect Representations Of Their Zodiac Signs - 11Here s Why The ASTRO Members Are The Perfect Representations Of Their Zodiac Signs - 55Here s Why The ASTRO Members Are The Perfect Representations Of Their Zodiac Signs - 58Here s Why The ASTRO Members Are The Perfect Representations Of Their Zodiac Signs - 73Here s Why The ASTRO Members Are The Perfect Representations Of Their Zodiac Signs - 1Here s Why The ASTRO Members Are The Perfect Representations Of Their Zodiac Signs - 21Here s Why The ASTRO Members Are The Perfect Representations Of Their Zodiac Signs - 72Here s Why The ASTRO Members Are The Perfect Representations Of Their Zodiac Signs - 13Here s Why The ASTRO Members Are The Perfect Representations Of Their Zodiac Signs - 62Here s Why The ASTRO Members Are The Perfect Representations Of Their Zodiac Signs - 89Here s Why The ASTRO Members Are The Perfect Representations Of Their Zodiac Signs - 37Here s Why The ASTRO Members Are The Perfect Representations Of Their Zodiac Signs - 78